6th kyu (Rokukyu)
20 days of practice
- Gyuaku hanmi katatedori Sumi otoshi
- Gyuaku hanmi katatedori Shihonage exercise
- Gyuaku hanmi katatedori Hitoe iriminage
- Ryote dori Tenchinage
- Aihami katatedori Udekimenage
- Gyuaku hanmi katatedori Kokyunage
5em Kyu (Gokyu)
40 days of practice after 6th Kyu
or-60 days of practice
Shomenuchi Ikkyo (omote & ura)
Shomenuchi ikkyo omote
Shomenuchi ikkyo ura
Shomenuchi Iriminage
Shomenuchi iriminage omote
Shomenuchi iriminage ura
Katatetori Shihonage (omote & ura)
Gyaku hanmi katatedori shihonage omote
Gyaku hanmi katatedori shihonage ura
Ryotetori Tenchinage (omote & ura)
Ryote dori tenchinage omote 2
Ryote dori tenchinage omote
Tsuki Kotegaeshi
Tsuki kotegaeshi omote
Tsuki kotegaeshi ura
Ushiro Tekubitori Kotegaeshi (omote & ura)
Ushiro tekubidori kotegaeshi omote
Ushiro tekubidori kotegaeshi ura
Morotetori Kokyu ho (omote & ura)
4em Kyu
80 days of practice after 5th Kyu
- Shomenuchi Nikyo (omote & ura)
- Yokomenuchi Shihonage (omote & ura)
- Tsuki Iriminage (irimi, tenkan & tenshin variations)
- Ushiro Tekubitori Sankyo (omote & ura)
- Ushiro Ryokatatori Kotegaeshi (omote & ura)
- Suwari waza:
- Shomenuchi Ikkyo (omote & ura)
- Katatori Nikyo (omote & ura)
- Katatori Sankyo (omote & ura)
3em Kyu
- Yokomenuchi Iriminage (3 variations)
- 0Yokomenuchi Kotegaeshi (omote & ura)
- Tsuki Kaitennage (omote & ura)
- Ushiro Ryokatatori Sankyo (omote & ura)
- Morotetori Iriminage (2 variations)
- Shomenuchi Sankyo (omote & ura)
- Suwari waza:
- Shomenuchi Iriminage
- Shomenuchi Nikyo (omote & ura)
- Hanmi handachi:
- Katatetori Shihonage (omote & ura)
- Katatetori Kaitennage – Both – Uchi (inside)
& Soto (outside) mawari
2em Kyu
200 days of practice after 3rd Kyu
Participation in internships is encouraged
- Shomenuchi Shihonage (omote & ura)
- Shomenuchi Kaitennage (omote & ura)
- Yokomenuchi Gokyo (omote & ura)
- Ushiro Tekubitori Shihonage (omote & ura)
- Ushiro Kubishime Koshinage (2 variations)
- Ushiro Tekubitori Jujinage (omote & ura)
- Morotetori Nikyo (omote & ura)
- Hanmi handachi:
- Shomenuchi Iriminage
- Katatetori Nikyo (omote & ura)
- Yokomenuchi Kotegaeshi (omote & ura)
- Jiyu waza and Randori (2 strikers)
1st Kyu
300 days of practice after 2nd Kyu
Must participate in 2 internships per year
- Katatori Menuchi – 5 Techniques
- Yokomenuchi – 5 Techniques
- Morotetori – 5 Techniques
- Shomenuchi – 5 Techniques
- Ryotetori – 5 Techniques
- Koshinage – 5 Techniques
- Hanmi handachi:
- Ushiro waza – 5 Techniques
- Tanto tori
- Jiyu waza and Randori (3 strikers)
300 days of practice after 1st Kyu
Must participate in 2 internships per year
All requirements 1st kyu
- Tachi tori and Bokuto waza
- Jo tori and Jo waza
- Henka waza – Switching from one technique to another.
- Examine will call the first technique.
- Jiyu waza and Randori (4 attackers)
600 days of practice after Shodan
Not less than 2 years after Shodan
Must participate in 2 internships per year
All the requirements of Shodan
- Tachi tori (2 attackers)
- Kaeshi waza – counterattack techniques.
- Uke applies the technique on Nage. The original technique will be appointed by examiner. (E.g., apply Sankyo against Nikyo).
- Jiyu waza and Randori (5 attackers)
700 days of practice after Nidan
Not less than 3 years after Nidan
Must participate in 2 internships per year
The subject of the exam will be determined by
examiner at the time of the examination.